Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Mountain

"A few hours' mountain climbing make of a rogue and a saint
two fairly equal creatures." 

"I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. 
And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land." 

Midweek Motif ~ Mountain

Mountains draw me to them, perhaps because I was born in the shadow of the Catskill Mountains and played on mountain sides as a child.   Heights and metaphors both scared me at one time, but I never could stay away.  Can you?  

Challenge:  Let's take each other into the mountains with this week's new poem ~ or at least onto one "mountain" of your choice.

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The birds have vanished down the sky.
Now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountain and me,
until only the mountain remains.

Li Po, �Zazen on Ching-t�ing Mountain,� translated by Sam Hamill from Crossing the Yellow River: 
Three Hundred Poems from the Chinese. Copyright � 2000 by Sam Hamill. 

excerpt from Chattanooga

    Some say that Chattanooga is the
    Old name for Lookout Mountain
    To others it is an uncouth name
    Used only by the uncivilised
    Our a-historical period sees it
    As merely a town in Tennessee
    To old timers of the Volunteer State
    Chattanooga is �The Pittsburgh of
    The South�
    According to the Cherokee
    Chattanooga is a rock that
    Comes to a point

    They�re all right
    Chattanooga is something you
    Can have anyway you want it
    The summit of what you are
    I�ve paid my fare on that
    Mountain Incline #2, Chattanooga
    I want my ride up
    I want Chattanooga
      . . . . 
    (Read the rest HERE at the Poetry Foundation.)

I go to the mountain side
of the house to cut saplings,
and clear a view to snow
on the mountain. But when I look up,
saw in hand, I see a nest clutched in
the uppermost branches.
I don�t cut that one.
I don�t cut the others either.
Suddenly, in every tree,   
an unseen nest
where a mountain   
would be.

                              for Drago ?tambuk

[Used here without permission.]  Tess Gallagher, "Choices" from Midnight Lantern:New and Selected Poems
Copyright � 2011 by Tess Gallagher.  Reprinted by permission of Graywolf Press.  

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Please share your new poem using Mr. Linky below and visit others 
in the spirit of the community.

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(Next week, Sumana's Midweek Motif will be Courage. )

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