Saturday, January 9, 2016

Poetry Pantry #285

Skyline - Frankfurt am Main

Good morning, Friends!  Hope everyone's new year is getting off to a good start. We were glad to see that you found your way back to PU this week, enjoying Sherry's Monday feature, Susan's Midweek Motif, and Rosemary's I Wish I'd Written This.

If you haven't read it, do read the poem "Strawberries and Cream" by Res Burman.  Rosemary featured this poem for I Wish I'd Written This. One screen back!  Makes me hungry just thinking about it!

This week on Monday Sherry is featuring a  Blog of the Week.  You have seen this poet around often.  I think you will enjoy the way Sherry has highlighted her work!

Sumana prompts this week for Midweek Motif.  Her prompt is FOOD.  Something we all enjoy.  We can hardly wait to see your take  on the subject.

If any of you have photos that you would like to have featured, please let me know.  The above photo is a Wikimedia Commons photo. I am interested in SCENIC views - specific identified places rather than general photos.  Inquire with me before sending.

Now, with no further delay, post your link below!  Say hello in the comments.  And don't forget to  visit others as well....I will see you on the trail!

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