Saturday, January 23, 2016

Poetry Pantry #286

Photos of Egypt
By Matthew Henningsen

The Great Pyraminds at Giza -
you can see a bit of the camel
Matthew was riding

The Great Pyramids at Giza

The Great Pyraminds at Giza -
you can see the Great Sphinx.

On the Nile by the border with Sudan.

This is the Temple of Abu Simbel!

Closeup of the statues at Temple of Abu Simbel
Temperature was 115 degrees F.

Greetings, Friends!  Nice to be with you for another Poetry Pantry.   We thank Matthew for sharing his photos with us again this week.  This time Egypt!

Thinking of Matthew, come back on Monday, as Sherry has done a very fine interview of him that I am sure all of you will enjoy.

Hope you all have read "The House of Belonging" by David Whyte, the poem that Rosemary Nissen-Wade featured for her I Wish I Had Written This series.  If not, do scroll back one page and take a look.

And return this week Wednesday for Midweek Motif.  Sumana's prompt will be 'courage.'    We are all looking forward to seeing what you write!

And now with no delay, please link your ONE poem below.  Stop in and say hello in comments.  And then visit the other links to see what poems others have written!  I know I will enjoy seeing what YOU have written!

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