Saturday, January 2, 2016

Poetry Pantry #284

Ice Sculptures at Milwaukee Zoo - 2015

Happy New Year, Friends!  Hope you all had a happy holiday time or at least a good break.  Hope to see many of you here now that the holiday is over!

The photos were taken by me a few days ago.  We asked the ice carver (in the third photo) how long it took for him to carve something, and he said about an hour.  I find this totally amazing.  Enjoy.

Tomorrow Sherry will be featuring three poems on PEACE.  A very apt topic for the new year, don't you think?  Peace is something we all hope will be achieved.

Susan's Midweek Motif on Wednesday is JOY, if you want to get a head start.  We all hope that you have had a lot of joy in recent weeks and that.

And Rosemary has a very interesting "I Wish I'd Written This" scheduled for later in the week as well.

With no further delay, let's share poetry!  Link your one poem below, and be sure to visit the poems of others who link!  See you on the 'trail.'

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