Friday, January 8, 2016

I Wish I'd Written This

Strawberries and Cream
By Res Burman

I�m eating Strawberries and cream?
With my long handled spoon?
The one the doggies loved to lick.
?I know I shouldn�t but I don�t care!

My beloved sister brought them
?I think they were meant for
?A pretty little girl who was visiting.
?But she�d already eaten a punnet of strawberries?
And half a plateful of biscuits!

Sweet child, she bought me a lovely bunch of flowers
?And then decided they were so nice,?
She should hold on to them!
?See, she�s already clever too!

Never mind, my beloved sister?
Brought me flowers from her garden?
Which puts my little backyard to shame.?
I can smell the roses now from across the room,

And mauvey spikey things?
That she did tell me the name of
?But you know me, head like a colander,
?And some pretty white flowers 
?That look like Christmas tree decorations.

And the strawberries and cream!?
You can blame my next coronary on her!
?But I won�t! I love her too much!?
And always have! Sweet Annabella!

And she didn�t hold me down 
?And force them on me.?
She hasn�t been able to do that
?Since I was ten years old!

Lovely to see my dear friend Eve?
And Little-legs, full of smiles and strawberries
?And my Dear Sister and Brother in Law.?
Yesterday was a good day, a very good day!

Copyright � Res JFB 16th July 2015

I thought this would be a good one to use while many of us are still fondly remembering Christmas gifts, feasts, festivities and family gatherings.

Res is a poet I encountered online some years ago. We are in several facebook poetry groups together. 

He writes in a variety of styles and forms, on a variety of subjects.  He says of himself: 

?'Old Soldier, Traveller, Herdsman, Cow-lifter, Builder, Forester, Carpenter, Cabinetmaker, Woodturner, War Pensioner, Father, Taoist, Photographer, Poet, Lover.

I have always had an eye and an ear for poetry but it was as a young soldier embarking on the Borneo Campaign that I discovered a Definitive Edition of Rudyard Kipling�s Verse (on India Paper). The perfect companion for �the �arf-made recruit (who) goes out to the East!�  From then on Kipling and I were inseparable!

I dabbled occasionally with writing but it was only after retiring from a very active life and getting my first computer that I sat down and started to seriously apply myself to writing, mostly poetry.

My Beloved Sister, Ann Gregan,  published a book of my writing and photography as a surprise for my 70th birthday and we are at present collaborating on compiling another.'

Res also has a blog,
 Res's Writing and Poetry. (Perhaps we can persuade him to link it to the Poets United community and participate in some of our activities!) There we find a link to his public profile at Google+, which lists him as a photographer too. He lives in beautiful Penzance, West Cornwall, UK, which is well worth photographing!

Poems and photos used in �I Wish I�d Written This� remain the property of the copyright holders (usually their authors).

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