Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Organic

Organic Food quote #5

Organic buildings are the strength and lightness of the spiders' spinning, buildings qualified by light, bred by native character to environment, married to the ground.

When once I got to America I fell in love with hippie culture, and I've always wanted to live in the country and grow organic vegetables. 

We must make organic and farm-raised costs more affordable. We need to come to a level where people who don't have a lot of money can afford it. If we could eat just fresh foods, it would be wonderful. 

Midweek Motif ~ Organic 

The word "organic" has different meanings in different fields, such as, organic chemistry, organic clothing, organic matter, organic farming and organic growth--but I mean "native to our earth without human manipulation."  Let's explore what we/you/they mean by "organic."

Your Challenge:  What experience do you have with things "organic"?  Write a new poem with an organic theme or refrain.  

Image result for organic quotes

I couldn't find any poems with an organic motif!  Am I looking in the wrong places? Maybe romantic poets or at food websites? If you know of any, please link them in the comments.  

In Praise of Organic Matters
by Susan Chast

I sing in praise of organic matters:
Clay, mud and puddles that childhood splatters
Flesh, bones and blood of animals like us
And organs that work our minds and spirits
The fibers and colors of plant life, too
And earth, water, air and fire as fuel 
What we eat and what we waste, recycled
With all we haven't made but might have killed.
What we wear and what we invite to feast
The greatest wealth we uproot and the least
Sun, moon, precipitation and weather
Sheep's wool, cow's milk, maple syrup, leather 
Virtual playthings and vast minerals
Knowledge and Myth and What we Wear as Jewels.



Please share your new poem(s) using Mr. Linky below and visit others in the spirit of the community

(Next week Susan's Midweek Motif will be Openness.)

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