Saturday, April 16, 2016

Poetry Pantry #298

Photos from North India - 2
by Sumana Roy

Pahalgam, Kashmir

Sunset at Dal Lake, Srinagar, Kashmir

Tourists in long queue for sledging down the icy slopes in Gulmarg, Kashmir

Clouds almost touching the ground, Sonmarg, Kashmir 

Good day, Friends!  Hope everyone is having a poetic April.  Hard to believe it is half over already, isn't it?  What a wonderful month for writing and reading poetry as well as getting out and enjoying nature as it comes back to life here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway.  Smiles.

This week we are featuring more of Sumana's photos. Thanks again, Sumana.

Scroll back to the last feature at Poets United if you haven't seen it.  Rosemary featured a delightful poem "Playing With Children" by Ryokan that you don't want to miss.  I hadn't heard of him, but after reading this poem I would like to read more.

And tomorrow be sure to return.  Sherry features a fine poet who is MOST often a contributor to Poetry Pantry & is very active in the Poets United community.  No more will just have to return.

Susan's prompt at Midweek Motif this next Wednesday is "Organic."   We will all be interested in the direction you go with this prompt.   (I am one who has been eating more and more organic foods.  Are you?)

All right, time to share some poetry.  Link your one poem below.  Stop in to the comments and say hello.  And read the poetry of others who link.  Thank you to those who comment on the poetry of others in the spirit of community.  We all enjoy having others read our poetry, and it is fun to see what others say.  See you on the trail.....and have a good week.

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