Saturday, April 30, 2016

Poetry Pantry #300

Pont du Gard, France

Good day, Poets.  What an amazing day this is!  The 300th Poetry Pantry!!  This means about six years of Poetry Pantry.  Actually, considering the fact that we have taken winter breaks and occasionally a summer one we have been here as a place to share poetry for an amazing length of time in the blogosphere.  So...let's celebrate today & share yet another round of poetry together.

I hope you all have taken a look at Rosemary's Moonlight Musing feature that went up Friday.  She does some interesting 'musing' on Poetry Month.  Well worth reading and thinking about.  Plus you might want to share your own experiences or opinions.

Tomorrow Sherry has a wonderful feature for us.  For anyone who has had writers' block, this article will be for you.  One of our regular poets will share her ways of overcoming this common malady.  It is an article you will not want to miss.    And thinking of Sherry's features, thanks to all of you who commented on her last week's feature in which poetry of the Poets United staff!

Wednesday Susan's Midweek Motif will be SECRECY.  Shhhhhh!  Don't tell anyone.  (Smiles.)

Oh, at least one of you commented last week on the lack of participants' photography featured in the Pantry.  Same is true this week (so just enjoy the photo from Wikimedia Commons today), but stay tuned for NEXT week when we will again feature some amazing photos.

With no further delay, let's share poetry. I personally have a busy day & will be making late visits.  But I know by now everyone knows the routine.  Link your ONE poem.  Make a comment to say hello.  And then spend some time visiting other poets who share in this community!  See you (eventually) on the trail.  Have a good week.

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