Saturday, April 9, 2016

Poetry Pantry #297

Photos from North India
by Sumana Roy

Golden Temple, the holiest Gurdwara of Sikhism, in Amritsar

Tulip Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir

Nishat Bagh, a terraced Mughal Garden, in Srinagar, Kashmir

Dal Lake, Srinagar, Kashmir
Tourist posing as a Kashmir-lass

Jalliwanwala Bagh, a public garden in Amritsar, Punjab, commemorating the massacre of hundreds of peaceful celebrators including unarmed women and children by British occupying forces in 1919.

Greetings, Friends!  Thanks for carrying on without me last Sunday.  I am feeling slightly better this week, but am still fighting this bronchitis which hangs on and on.  This week we have beautiful photos from North India taken by Poets United's Sumana Roy.  We will have more next Sunday as well. Thank you, Sumana.  (If you want to see them more fully, click on them.)

Tomorrow Sherry features another Blog of the Week..  This time it is a blog of a long, long time participant in Poets United.  She goes back to PU's 'infancy' in the blogosphere.  I think you will enjoy the feature and learning a little bit about a long-time poetry contributor.

And this week Sumana's prompt for Midweek Motif is "Home."  I am sure that word resonates with us in a unique way.  Where are you most at home?  What is 'home' to you?  Can you ever go 'home' again?

This week Rosemary shared a most delightful poem for her I Wish I'd Written This series!  The name of it is "God Says Yes to Me."  And, as I said in my comments below this poem, this poet pictures a God as I would like him/her to be.  Really, friends, do scroll back and read (and comment) this poem.  It will make you smile.

Now with no delay, let's share poetry.  Choose one poem to link below.  Stop into the comments and say hello to your fellow poets.  Then visit others who share, as part of our community! See you all on the trail.

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