Saturday, April 23, 2016

Poetry Pantry #299

Good Sunday to you all, Poets!  Hope everyone had a good week, especially that you celebrated Earth Day in some small way.  Also, for those of you who are doing Poem a Day, you are now on the home stretch, which must feel good.

Again, we had an interesting week here at Poets United.  An interview of the poet CC, Susan's challenging Midweek Motif 'Organic,' and Rosemary's feature of Shay Caroline Simmons' poem 'Brick-Dumb Motherfucker.'  Hope you enjoyed each of these offerings.

Now this coming week we start with Sherry's post featuring a poem by each of us on the Poets United staff.   They are all on the same theme, from our own individual perspectives.  Please come back and take a look.  Wednesday Susan's theme for Midweek Motif is 'Open/openness.'  (That leave it pretty wide open, doesn't it?  Smiles!)

And now with no further delay, let's share poetry.  Link your one poem below. Stop in to the comments and say hello.  Read other poems that are posted to support our wonderful poetry community.  Have a great week!

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