Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Home

"The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home"----Confucius

"Everyday is a journey and the journey itself is home"----Matsuo Basho

"Home is the nicest word there is"----Laura Ingalls Wilder

"How does it feel?
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?"----Bob Dylan


                                        Midweek Motif ~ Home

A home is a full stop to being a nomadic. And add to that a little safety, comfort, freedom, a space to be. Especially for a creative mind "A room of one's own" is a must.

The saying home is where the heart is extends the meaning of home beyond the four walls. One may feel at home where ever they are or with whoever they are.

Creating a sense of home in our lines is our aim today.

A couple of poems to inspire you:

He told a homely tale

by Emily Dickinson

He told a homely tale
And spotted it with tears--
Upon his infant face was set
The Cicatrice of years--

All crumpled was the cheek
No other kiss had known
Than flake of snow, divided with
The Redbreast of the barn--

If Mother--in the Grave--
Or Father-- on the Sea--
Or Father in the Firmament--
Or Brethren, had he--

If Commonwealth below,
Or Commonwealth above
Have missed a Barefoot Citizen--
I've ransomed it--alive--

Home thoughts

by Carl Sandburg

THE SEA rocks have a green moss.
The pine rocks have red berries.
I have memories of you.

Speak to me of how you miss me.
Tell me the hours go long and slow.

Speak to me of the drag on your heart.
The iron drag of the long days.

I know hours empty as a beggar's tin cup on a rainy day, empty as a soldier's sleeve with an arm lost.

Speak to me ...

Please share your new poem using Mr. Linky below and visit others in the spirit of the community
                         (Next week Susan's Midweek Motif will be Organic)

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