Saturday, March 19, 2016

Poetry Pantry #294

Photos of the Philippines (#2) by
Tatius Darksong

Greetings, Friends!  We here in the northern hemisphere are nearing the beginning of spring.  I can almost smell it in the air.  It is also nice to have more hours of daylight.  Spring is always a favorite season for me, as it is such an optimistic time when I think about the greening up of my world, the arrival of birds, etc.  Every day better - that is spring to me.

Today we have another group of photos of the Philippines by Tatius Darksong.  I hope you all read the interview Sherry had with him last Monday.  If not, look back.  It is still there!  And this week Sherry will be featuring 'eco poetry' by three of our regular participants.  You will definitely enjoy them!!

Susan's topic at Midweek Motif this week is "climate."  Good one, Susan!  Definitely lots to say about that.

Don't miss the poem that Rosemary shared for The Living Dead:  "Autumn 1942" by Roland Robinson, an Australian poet.  Interesting that one of the reasons Rosemary chose it is that it is autumn in Australia right now.  Smiles.

Now, with no further delay, enjoy sharing poetry!  Link your one poem below, say hello in comments, and visit others who post.  See you on the trail!

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