Saturday, March 12, 2016

Poetry Pantry #293

Photos of the Philippines
by Tatius Darksong

Greetings, Friends!   Today we are excited to feature some photos taken in the Philippines by Tatius Darksong.  The photos he provided really give us a variety of interesting views, I think.  Next week I will share more of his photos from the Philippines; and I have on reserve his photos from Mexico as well for later this spring.  Thanks, Tatius!

Speaking of Tatius, Sherry has interviewed him, and it will appear here on Monday.  For those of you who don't know, Tatius was a member of Poets United a while back but has just recently returned once again to post his poems on a more regular basis.  I think you will enjoy his update if you knew him from 'way back' or his introduction if you are meeting him for the first time! (Tatius, so glad to see you here so regularly again!)

This week Rosemary shared a most delightful and heartwarming poem by Leigh Spencer for her "I Wish I'd Written This" feature.  The poem is "Freedom Ride," and anyone who loves, loves, LOVES animals (or is interested in animal rescue) must read this poem!  It really tugged at MY heart strings, and I think it will tug at yours.  And after you read it, do leave Rosemary and Leigh a comment.  We all like appreciation, and Rosemary does a lot of work every week to provide us with examples of wonderful poetry!  (But really, I read Rosemary's features every week....and this one is one of my favorites. Please won't be sorry.)

Susan will be back prompting for Midweek Motif this Wednesday!  As St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, she prompts us to write a poem on "a saint or saintliness."  Do you know a saintly person you could write a new poem about?  or a saint from the past?   (does not have to be in a religious sense)  You have a few days to think about it.  Smiles.

And now with no delay, let us share poetry.  Link your one poem (old or new) below.  Stop in and share a comment!  Then visit other people who share!  Come back once in a while & see who else has added their link.  Enjoy!  See you on the trail!

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