Saturday, March 5, 2016

Poetry Pantry #292

Photos of Scotland
by Steve King

Extra Starch please�armor at Stirling Castle.

No trip to Scotland would be complete without a piper
 in Highland regalia.  This was taken on the road to Glen Coe.

The wonderful dog cemetery high on Edinburgh Castle.  Final resting 
place for regimental mascots and officers� pets.
An old house located at the Culloden Battlefield site.  Bonnie Prince Charlie�s 
Highland forces were slaughtered at Culloden in April of 1746 by an army led by 
the British Duke of Cumberland.  It was the last pitched battle fought on the soil 
of Great Britain, and was the effective end of concerted Scottish resistance 
against English domination.

Stained glass detail from tiny St. Margaret�s Chapel (c.1100) 
at the apex of Edinburgh Castle.
Lovely understated colors on the restored altar cloth in the chapel of Stirling Castle.

Massive arch at Stirling castle, looking through to the Queen Anne Garden.  
The garden itself dates from around 1400.  
The lawn was a bowling green in the 1600s.
Castle Eilean Donan.  This is one of the most photographed sites 
in Scotland.  Perhaps small when compared to the fortresses at Edinburgh 
and Stirling, but large in the legends of the Highlands.

Coffin Crypts, St. Andrews Cathedral.  These were built under the floor 
of the church.  The Scots were offering great deals the day I was there:  
Like-new condition, used only once!

Rule Tower and graveyard, St. Andrews.

A great gun at Edinburgh, poised to defend the 
Firth of Forth in the background.

Good day, Poets.  Today once again we are featuring photos taken by Steve King.  Scotland this time. Smiles.  Be sure to check back on Monday when Sherry Blue Sky's interview of Steve will be posted.  I am sure you will enjoy learning more about him!

If you haven't read Rosemary Nissen-Wade's article "Coming to Grips - by Janice Bostock" (The Living Dead), do check back and read it.  Some of you have been writing Haibun!  Well, Janice is definitely a master of the form.

Wednesday Sumana's Midweek Motif theme is: WEIRD!   Think outside the box.  Maybe about your own little quirk.  Maybe a path, person, dream, place, or anything that you attach weirdness too..  She will give more information and share a few poems to inspire you more!

Without further delay, let's share poetry.  Link one poem below.  Say hello in the comments.  And visit the poems of others!   I will see you all on the trail!

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