Saturday, November 28, 2015

Poetry Pantry #280

Photos Taken in the State of Virginia
by Toni Spencer


Green Forest


Trees and Sky

Winter Clouds

Hello Friends!  Hope everyone is doing fine and is ready to share some poetry with us today!  Can you believe it is almost December?   I haven't been around much in the blogosphere this week due to celebrating Thanksgiving; but I am hoping to get back into the swing of it now!

Today's photos are shared by Toni Spencer (Kanzensakura) who Sherry has just interviewed.  The interview will be published tomorrow here at Poets United, so be sure to stop back and learn more about one of our newer posters.  Always fun to get to know some behind-the-scene details of people's lives, I think!

Did you read Rosemary's feature this week on "I Wish I'd Written This?" She shared a most excellent poem by Tanya Levy.  It is called "I Trust My Truth."  I really think some of the best poetry is shared by the un-well-known poets in the 'sphere,' and Tanya's poem is one of them.  Take a look.

Be sure to stop back on Wednesday as well.  Susan's prompt for Midweek Motif is "Energy - Vitality."  Doesn't she come up with wonderful ideas to challenge us?  I think so.  Smiles.  And I love reading the poems that people come up with.

With no further delay, let's share poetry.  Link your ONE poem below. Stop in to comments to say hello.  And enjoy each other's poems.  I will see you all on the path!

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