Friday, November 27, 2015

I Wish I'd Written This

I Trust My Truth
By Tanya Levy

I trust my truth?
Even if my truth goes against the group
?I trust it?
Even if my truth allows a chance to grow into the unknown?
I trust it?
Even if I am off center and need to ground again
?I trust it?
Even if I keep it to myself?
I trust it?
Even if I shout it from the mountaintop or write it upon a page
?I trust it
When I honour my intuition it allows my truth air to breathe
?When I honour my intuition I find my own center?
When I honour my intuition I can be totally myself?
Vulnerable and open in each moment
I release what is not my own?
I allow myself to remember
?I am born of stars and moonbeams
?Soil touches my feet and leaves sprout in abundance?
Balls of blessed energy and helpers of all dimensions surround me
I remember to trust my truth
?As it flows in abundance in all directions and is trusted by all elements?
I let my truth out to breathe and leap to the heavens?
So healing can get through on earth
I remember to remember?
All the things Sacred ?
All the things known and unknown
?All the things written upon skin, sinew, heart tissue
?Tongue and teeth?
All the things written bone on bone?
All the things felt in our tissue?
All the music that sings upon the wind?
And settles upon the water
?All the words of the animals and songs of the birds?
All the messages coming to me from all energetic beings
?All that is, was and will be
My truth is universal, sacred, and personal?
Known and unknown
?Mysterious and hidden in plain sight?
Held within one raindrop and written in each?
Tree trunk
?In each blade of grass
?Each leaf that falls?
I trust my truth for it speaks
?Most loudly in the silence?
And most deeply in the heart

� Tanya Levy ?September 24, 2015

When I selected this poem, the terrorist attacks in Paris had not yet happened. In the light of them, and their aftermath, it seems now more important than ever to follow our own truth, not a received truth imposed by others (not indoctrination, not brainwashing, not public opinion, etc.). 

Tanya Levy is a counsellor, a writer and a photographer. She says she enjoys taking pictures of heart-shaped clouds, nature and light; and that, from the age of two, she had a journal and pen in her hand � which has not changed. Known for humour, sensitivity and passion, she also has a love of signs and synchronicity. 

You can find her taking random sky photos in shopping marts and writing poetry on coffee shop napkins, or at her facebook page. Also she has recently opened an etsy shop.

I know her online, through a facebook poetry group. She writes in various styles and forms, including micropoetry. 

Some of her longer poems, like this one, are also meditations. I appreciate this one in both ways, and enjoy the powerful use of repetition. She also creates pieces which are intended specifically as meditations. This photo of her, with a radiant smile and the light above her, seems very appropriate! 

You can hear her speaking some of her work on Soundcloudor on YouTube. 

I enjoy her light-filled photos too �

Poems and photos used in �I Wish I�d Written This� remain the property of the copyright holders (usually their authors).

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