Saturday, November 21, 2015

Poetry Pantry #279

Photos of Central London, England

by Laura Bloomsbury

Westminster - Sunset

London Skyline - River Thames

Trafalgar Square 

Pageantry - Horse Guards - Parade

City Hall & Tower Bridge, London

St. James Park

Red Bus & Flowers

Good day, Friends! Hope all is well with everyone.  We just had our first winter storm of the season, and quite a storm it was indeed.  It is beautiful outside, but still.....I am not a fan of the cold and the driving.  I am sure that some of you shared this storm with me too.  

Today our photos of Central London come from Laura Bloomsbury who is one of our newer regulars.  Thank you, Laura, for sending such a unique and beautiful collection.

And, following the Poetry Pantry on Monday Sherry will be featuring an interview with Laura Bloomsbury.  Please visit tomorrow and find out more about her!  I think you will enjoy.....

This week Susan has "survival" as the theme for Midweek Motif. I think this is particularly apt due to some of the events occurring in our world today.  But then again there are so many ways of thinking of 'survival, and you have a few days before Wednesday to cogitate.  Smiles.

If you missed The Living Dead post on "Ithaca" by C.P. Cavafy,  please scroll back and take a look. Cavafy is a most interesting poet.

With no further delay, let's share poetry. Link your poem using Mr. Linky below, say hello in the comments,  and then visit the poem shares of others.  Come back often to see who else has linked.  Be sure to comment back to those who visit you!  See you on the trail.

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