Monday, November 16, 2015

Poems of the Week ~ from Hannah, Donna and Truedessa

For a change of pace this week, we are featuring three poems on somewhat similar themes - the beauty of nature linked with spiritual beliefs. Hannah Gosselin, of Metaphors and Smiles, Donna Donabella, of Living From Happiness,  and Truedessa, of True Wanderings,  make this connection so beautifully in their poems. In our first selection, Hannah describes her moving encounter with a praying mantis.

photo by Hannah Gosselin

I held hands with praying mantis
today on an abandoned road � prayed
I silently thanked Source for span of life.
Tan and lengthy � leggy �
pinpoint pseudopupils in planet-round-eyes
took in my form � unmoving � quiet.
Lying on tar of a barricaded way
I waited to hear what your last words may be
what might you � so alien-wise � say?
Would you tell me secrets of field �
stories of loam and tales of summer feast?
Would you whisper echo of ancient ones
generations that�ve flown to land of forever?
With weight of sky fire on our shoulders
boulder of gold balanced in blue
this burning immense dot �
pupil in eye of universe�
Does it look upon us and listen
pause to gather this strange scene?
Your tiny hand poised on my pointer finger
taking last breaths of another season�together.
Copyright � Hannah Gosselin and Metaphors and Smiles, 2011-15

Sherry: This just takes my breath away, Hannah. You have the gift of seeing the small miracles, and helping us to see them, too. Tell us about this encounter, and its poem, won't you?

Hannah: I nearly stepped on this amazing creature! I was out taking a walk with my dog, Finley, and I looked down just in time to see what, at first glance, appeared to be a curled autumn leaf. Once I realized what I was looking at, I instantly dropped to my belly and placed my pointer finger under its front leg and sat very still, watching its eyes, and wondering about its life and thoughts.

I was so moved by this encounter with the Praying Mantis.  It was one of those moments when time seems to stand still, and tiny becomes consuming and enormous. This poem played in my mind for a while before I got the chance to sit and write it.  Sometimes that's a good thing; things occur to me over time that may not arise if I immediately write of the experience.

Thank you for enjoying this poem, Sherry, and for sharing it with our community!

Sherry: Just reading about that encounter fills my soul right up to the very top. Thank you for the gift of describing it in a poem, my friend.

Truedessa recently wrote of her own close encounter with a small leggy insect. 


In autumn's warm sunlight
a leaf traveling wherever
the golden winds blow...

there's a crispness to the air
leaves swirl in a riot of color
orange, yellow and red

driving southbound
listening to distant songs
blue skies await ahead

suddenly, I sense company
running my fingers in my hair
plucking him from a loose curl

what message do you bring

green grasshopper, harbinger
of glad tidings, stirring my heart
lifting my spirit for the journey

I see life through different eyes
listening to soft chirping lullabies
soundtracks taken from my life

so, my friend, we travel together
may our musings never fall silent
let us dance to our own steps

grasshopper speaks to me
in a language I can understand
thinking forward is the way

where will our quest lead

recalling summer songs
tuning my inner antenna
detecting energy & clarity

seeing beyond boundaries
into the realm of mystery
new discoveries & adventures

grasshopper clings to my hand
& I to the circle of life
connected in the journey

poetry in my heart flowers
chrysanthemums in bloom
inspiration in a song...

following signs
following new roads...

grasshopper whispers
"take a leap of faith"

author's note: This is to honor
the grasshopper that recently
took a road-trip with me...

copyright Truedessa 2015

Sherry: This is an amazing encounter. Grasshopper himself took a leap, to hitch a ride in your hair. Smiles. 

Truedessa: I am once again honored to be featured at Poets United. This particular poem was birthed in a peculiar way.  I was planning a trip and I hadn't been feeling well but, on the date of the trip it was a beautiful day. I still had second thoughts but, decided to go. As, I was driving I had this feeling I was not alone. I felt something in my hair and I pulled out a grasshopper. How he got in my hair is a mystery?  

I think it was one of those moments when the universe is trying to tell you something. He stuck to my hand as I drove. I started thinking about grasshoppers and how they are always hopping forward in their journey. I was awestruck by grasshopper's appearance.  I felt lighter in spirit, and I truly believe he carried a message for me and others in the journey of life.  

I believe grasshopper teaches us to follow signs and move ahead on our path with confidence. To take a leap of faith. I've found that, often in the journey, animals act as guides to help us find our way.  The next time you see a grasshopper, reflect on your life and listen with your heart.  The grasshopper is a great musician and will play his song.

Sherry:  Our insect friends are sending us profound teachings these days, it seems. I love the message Grasshopper brings! Lord knows, this world needs Faith, now more than ever.

Let's take a look, now, at Donnabella's Uni/Verse, for another glimpse of serendipitous beauty, from microcosm to macrocosm.

photo by Donna Donabella

It gathers on the wind
With each wave strewn,
Across the tiny grains of sand
To be washed out to sea.

And then deposited once more on a new shore.
Repeating, moving, gaining strength.

This one song - a Uni/verse,
Sung with a peaceful voice.
First a ripple, then a diverse chorus rising
Gathering once again to be born on the wind.

Our true essence shared
Free of judgment, compassionate heart
Turned inward on ourselves.
Serves all; one world.

This one song I sing - this uni/verse�.

� Donna Donabella 2015

Sherry: So beautiful, Donna: "this one song I sing...." When we read your words, we sing it, too.

DonnaSherry, this poem ...really a soulful song....sprung from me during one of my writing sessions recently.  I have been contemplating a more compassionate way of life, and how to bring this way of compassion to more people in the world.  And when I thought of the world as the Universe, then it all clicked.  

The word universe quite simply means, one song.  And from this thought, the words came forth to be born and shared here in this poem.....perhaps giving people pause to consider compassion as a universal song in this rather violent and cynical world.  So in times of painful news stories and tragedies I am reminded to sing this compassionate song.

Sherry: How I adore this explanation! You remind us, too, that we are all singers of the universal song. Thank you for that, my friend.

I hope you have enjoyed this little interlude as much as I have. It is always so good to tune in to the beauty, the small daily miracles, the oneness of all life, to counter the negatives we are bombarded with daily. Poetry fills that niche wonderfully, as poets put words to those small shining moments, so we can experience them, too. Do come back and see who we talk to next. Who knows? It might be you! 

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