Saturday, September 19, 2015

Poetry Pantry #270

Photos of Melbourne, Australia

by Rosemary Nissen-Wade

Melbourne is said to be the food capital of Australia!
Look at these sweets! (The suburb of St Kilda is famous for its cake shops.)

The Maribyrnong River runs through Melbourne (as well as the better-known Yarra).  
Both are complete with walking/cycling/running tracks.

Flinders Street Station, an iconic meeting place.

Residential area, featuring the famous old 'iron lace' 
(photographed through tram window).

A delightful patisserie in the heart of the city.

Good Sunday, Poets!  Welcome to yet another Poetry Pantry.

Today we have photos taken by Rosemary Nissen-Wade during her recent visit to Melbourne! (And her poem today is about Melbourne as well!) We will be treated to more of her photos in two weeks (smiles), as we will be featuring the photos of another of our participants next Sunday!

On Monday, hope you will visit us and enjoy Sherry Blue Sky's interesting update with one of our fine Indian poets who was featured a few years ago.  She's someone who we often see either here in the Pantry or Midweek Motif!  Stay tuned.

Stop back on Wednesday for Midweek Motif.  We have only one more week before Susan will be back prompting.  We on staff are excited about that.  We have missed her Motifs, as I am sure you have.  This week, however, I am doing the prompt.   My prompt is "choices."  We all make choices in life. Some are big, and some are small.  We choose our vocation,  our friends, our priorities, our spiritual or religious path, etc.  And on any given day we have small choices...what to do, what foods to eat, how to spend time.  So write a poem on choices...any aspect you choose!

If you haven't read Rosemary's The Living Dead this week, do take a look back.  She shared some Japanese poetry by various poets translated by Kenneth Rexroth.  All quite interesting.  This is an article you won't want to miss

If you have Facebook, do think about following Poets United on Facebook.  That way you are informed of each new feature.

With no further delay, hope that you will enjoy the Pantry today.  We always enjoy it if you leave  a short comment when you post.   Do be sure to visit the links of others as well.  It is sort of like knocking on the doors of others, I think.  When we leave a comment, we let someone know that we enjoy having them among us.  The blogosphere IS quite a neighborhood, isn't it?

Do have a good day & a poetic week!  Thank you for making Poets United such a successful site!  See you as I make my rounds!  And I hope to see you at the other Poets United features this week.

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