Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Midweek Motif ~ Choice

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(Look at the words - made me laugh - choices indeed!)

There are some things in life about which a person has no choice -- such things as parents, birthplace, early school experiences, etc.   As time goes on, one has more and more choices. And this leads to what I would like you to think about this week.  Let's reflect on / write about the subject of CHOICE.

One choice we have is  HOW WE WILL LEARN.  This could be school - related, or the way we learn on our own.  How someone uses this choice has a great influence on a person's life.     And somewhat related is a CHOICE OF VOCATION. (Would you do it differently if you could go back in time?)

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Another choice involves RELATIONSHIPS: Friends, mentors, life partners, etc. Who do you decide to spend time with?     Think about choice of ACTIVITIES:  What do you choose to do with your time? Then there are choices involving PERSONAL HEALTH:  Food, exercise, physical exams, etc.

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Another choice is WHERE ONE LIVES: Did you choose to stay in your home town?  Move to another city not too far away from where you were born?  Or did you move cross country or even to another country?  How about LIFE do you choose them?  And then there is the choice one makes regarding one's SPIRITUAL JOURNEY.  What path do you take?   And how about the CHOICE NOT TO MAKE A CHOICE?  Or reflect on FREEDOM OF CHOICE generally in today's world?

Here are links to a few well-known poems on choice if you'd be interested in examples.  I think you will enjoy them!

Choices - by Nikki Giovanni

Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening - by Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost

The Choice - by William Butler Yeats

Choice - by J.V. Cunningham

 There are really SO many directions you could go.  It is YOUR choice!  Also, be sure to link back to Midweek Motif.

(Next week Susan is back, and her Motif will be Recovery: "love is healing.")

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