Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Bullying

Bars & Melody

�Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that 
will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, 
or indifference, or sheer helplessness.� 
Honor� de BalzacP�re Goriot

"To me, that's what bullying is, showing off. It's saying, I'm better than you, 
I can take you down. Not just physically, but emotionally.� 
Whoopi Goldberg, Is It Just Me?: Or is it nuts out there?

Midweek Motif ~ Bullying

What would it take to stop bullying? To keep it from escalating to destruction? To endure and survive it if it cannot be changed?  

Your challenge: In a new poem, put yourself in the position of bullied, bully, ally or observer.  Bring awareness to the nature of bullying and/or the solution.

The Moral Bully 

by Oliver Wendell Holmes

YON whey-faced brother, who delights to wear
A weedy flux of ill-conditioned hair,
Seems of the sort that in a crowded place
One elbows freely into smallest space;
A timid creature, lax of knee and hip,
Whom small disturbance whitens round the lip;
One of those harmless spectacled machines,
. . . . 

(Read the rest HERE at

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