Monday, May 30, 2016


We have another wonderful poet to visit this week, my friends: Robin Kimber, whom we know affectionately as Old Egg. Robin writes at Robin�s Nest, and lives in Adelaide, southern Australia, only six miles from the ocean. Robin recently celebrated 80 years of very fine living, so we are most pleased to be meeting with him again, to congratulate him and hear more of his fascinating stories. 

Old Egg

Sherry:  Robin, we last spoke in our Life of a Poet feature in 2014, so we are long overdue for another chat! I have a question that I imagine many might have wondered, from time to time: why are you called Old Egg? I so love that name!! 

Robin: I gained entrance to a Grammar School in England after World War II in the town that I lived in, Eggar's Grammar School in Alton, Hants. It was founded in 1642, but has long since been sold and turned into a housing complex. Past pupils were known as Old Eggars...thus the Old Egg. I helped to run the Old Eggars organization many many years ago, and played for their soccer team.

The replacement school is much larger, and probably much more suitable for current needs, but the old school's demise was still quite sad.

Sherry: It must have been very sad. Thank you for this explanation, Old Egg. Will you tell us about your recent birthday? 

Robin: Early May was busy with Mothers Day in Australia, and my birthday as well. Most of the family (12 of us) hired a house boat on the River Murray for a long weekend to celebrate both events. It was my 80th birthday, which is nothing to boast about, especially my difficulty to board and disembark from the boat via the gang plank with my wobbly legs!

Sherry: Warmest congratulations on your 80 years. What a treasure trove of history you must be. And what a wonderful way to celebrate, en famille, in a houseboat on the river. Yay!

Robin: As it is the start of our Autumn/Winter season, it was not the best for sun baking or swimming, but the river is interesting at all times. The Murray/Darling combination is the one and only big river in Australia, starting in both northern Queensland and the Snowy Mountains on the border of New South Wales and Victoria. The river (with difficulty) flows out to sea in South Australia, where we live. Much of the river water evaporates in the hot weather and is used extensively for irrigation and domestic use in the southern states.

Sherry: Australia is so beautiful. You are a lucky man. How is your writing coming along, Robin?

Robin: My various ills  make me less enthusiastic about everything�except sitting down and writing, which is probably very bad for me! I have this urge to write, which is great, but a walk down the beach would probably do more for me.

I am much like a butterfly with my writing, flitting from theme to theme, such as enduring love, being at one with nature, and even the lure of the city. Life�s experience allows me to delve back into my own personal experiences in those fields, and memories from many years back, even to childhood, come flooding back, as well as early romances, working in cities and many years bird-watching, which was my wife Maureen�s favorite pastime. There is nothing quite like getting lost in the forest or wide open spaces, alone with nature and really relishing that feeling, being with birds and animals that accept your presence; although an alpha male kangaroo might take umbrage that you are getting too close to the females!

Sherry: I would love to see a live kangaroo!  And we love your poems, stories and memories so much! I especially enjoyed �Where My Love Is Found�. Let�s take a look at it, shall we?

Home? He laughed out loud
When they asked him where he'd go
On his holiday

I feel more at ease
Walking on a lonely beach
Or in the forest green

Where the sea's whisper
Sings me a sweet lullaby
And soothes me to sleep

Fish nibbling my toes
There a crab waving a Hi!
And the broad blue sky

Breakers they'll applaud
At my visiting again
I know my heaven

The sand in my toes
The fresh salt wind in my eyes
With the scent of brine

Then there's the dark woods
With the tall whispering pines
I crave that feeling

Rustling of wild things
Now checking just who I am
Owls hoot the all clear

Creatures wander round
For they are not frightened of me
As insects buzz by

The stream ripples on
Little birds twitter and dive
Such place could I die

All my stress is gone
My happiness is found there
Of which do I dream

But you're right he said
I am going home once more
Where my love is found

Sherry: Sigh. Me, too, my friend. I love "I know my heaven." I know that feeling very well in the wild places. What might we find you doing when you aren�t writing, these days?

Robin: With regard to current urban living, I tend to visit a local caf� regularly, and it is so typical of Australia, where the owners are Italian, and there are barista and waiters and waitresses from all parts of the globe, South East Asia, India, Middle East, even other countries in Europe. They all know me by my first name and know I like to read the paper there and do the crosswords and read the cartoons. So while I�m there I observe people and find characters to write about in their looks, the conversation and even the romance, or, like me, a person alone whose story you don�t know but invent to produce another poem.  

Sherry: It sounds a great place for gathering material.  Robin, I am sure you have a wealth of stories. Would you like to share one?

Robin:  This true story, published in 2013, told a little of my history before I got married. I have added a haiku verse to make it into a haibun.

Last Train to Alton

It was a Saturday night in 1956 and I trotted along the lonely streets of the town. The pubs had long shut and all those years ago the traffic was light to non-existent. I was heading for the train station just about a mile away. The last train left at 5 minutes past midnight. My destination was home nine miles away. Well ten miles if you count the run from my girlfriend�s house to the station. Every Saturday night was the same, those lingering kisses and the last fond embrace had to be measured to the last second. I hadn�t missed a train yet but as we tended to stick to each other like glue a longer wait until the first train in the morning was always a possibility and being Sunday that would be a very long wait indeed.

I was going downhill now down Downing Street past the men's clothing store, past the fish shop and just as I passed the grocers two figures stepped out of the shadows.

�Just a minute lad� said one.

Just my luck, I could skirt the drunks and the tramps in doorways but to run into two policemen on a dull night shift was just what they needed to help pass their boring night away.

�Where are you off to in such a hurry?� said one. While the other sized me up with his torch.

I could barely talk as I was out of breath. I mumbled something about trying to catch the last train to Alton. However that was the problem. They weren�t interested in my plans but only what I had been doing.

�But where have you just run from?� the first one asked implying foul deeds I was escaping from.

So I had to relate where I had been, who with and why and the utter importance of me catching the last train that left in but a few minutes. He came closer and shone his torch in my face. My panting breath had no taint of alcohol perhaps only the sweet scent of my girlfriend so my innocence was convincing.

�OK my lad. Off you go, and don�t leave it so late next time.�

I resumed my run to the station. The level crossing gates were starting to close and as I scampered over the footbridge I knew that I would make it after all. On recounting my adventure to my girlfriend later she reluctantly made me leave a few minutes earlier in future. Less than a year later we were married so my worries were over and we stayed together all night�every night!

Soft skin luscious lips
How can I bear to leave you?      
We�ll marry in Spring

Sherry: Sigh. So sweet. And what a wonderful long marriage you enjoyed! You two were blessed. I most love your poems about your love for your wife, whom you lost, sadly, in 2010. Would you like to include one here?

Robin: One of my most popular posts on Poets United from 2014 might be appropriate.

Robin and Maureen on a cruise in 2010

There is no limit to my love
My eyes have long bent your way
For oh so many a year

So are you my Juliet?
Or like Ophelia in water drowned?
Maiden still, yet untouched, unloved

For I am no Romeo
Nor Hamlet yet
No, that is not the case

For with me you are the light
Eastward, both sun and hope rising
Just look my way my precious

And straight as an arrow
In flight I will come
And thus to lovers lane for us

So then the sight of you,
The sound of your voice
And that exquisite touch will

From that grain, sprout love
From this yearning
And all my parts will gladly sing

With utmost joy I pray
As you place your hand in mine
I'll see this love in your eyes too

Sherry: You have an exquisite touch with your poet's pen, my friend. Robin, in our first interview, you spoke of being a child in London during WWII. This fascinates me. Would you share a memory of that time with us?

Robin: Going back to the wartime, we did live more than thirty five miles outside of London, but my Dad commuted everyday regardless of the bombing. Very few people in Britain owned cars then, and those that did put them away for the �duration� (of the war, that is) as petrol (gas) was only available for those that needed to drive, such as doctors and delivery men. Most people used public transport. We walked the two miles to school each day or caught the bus which was very cheap. As you say, my father was rostered on to do fire watching duty some nights to extinguish incendiary bombs if they fell on the building. The idea was to place them in buckets of water before they exploded.

Sherry: It intrigues me to be interviewing someone who lived through that time, Robin. I have such an interest in that period in history. 

(Kids, if you would like more of Robin's story, do check out the interview from 2014, where he went into his most interesting life in more depth, his childhood years during the war, his wonderful love story with Maureen, and his family life in Australia. I would like to write the book!)

Robin: Reading through the first �Life of��,  what was omitted was that both my wife Maureen and I later worked together in the same organization, after we were married. She was an analytical chemist, testing beer for a brewery, and I was an architectural assistant with them, designing new hotels and public houses (inns), in the Hampshire, Surrey and Sussex area. 

Much of the work was, however, upgrading older buildings to make them attractive, to win custom from other Brewers who, in those days, owned most hotels. However,  the lure of working and living in Australia persuaded us to migrate to South Australia with the family, where I have lived ever since. Luckily the children and their family still all live in the state too.

Sherry: It is fortunate your children and grandchildren still live nearby. How was life when you reached Australia, Robin? What a grand adventure it must have been for you!

Robin: When I came to Australia in 1966, jobs were asy to find. Immigration from many European countries after WW2 was encouraged, as Australia needed skilled people to change the country from a predominantly agricultural agricultural to a thriving, prosperous industrial nation.  I managed to get a job with the government-owned South Australian Railway.

I volunteered to work in the mid-north of South Australia, to design and supervise the construction of new stations and other new buildings, from the New South Wales border to the coast. (Promotion was more assured if you had worked in the country as well as the city.)

Mt. Remarkable in mid-north of South Australia

The disadvantage was that Maureen was bringing up the children by herself, while I was stationed away during the week and only home at weekends. I was away for three years, but it was most valuable for me. When my work there was complete, I found promotion easier.

When the kids grew up and started getting married, Maureen went into partnership with a second hand bookseller, eventually buying the small shop she managed in Adelaide. It was called Bookmark Books. The "mark" in the name meant Maureen and Robin Kinber! It was just over the road from where I worked, so we used to go to work together. I even managed the shop on Sundays and her sister, who also lived in the area, on Wednesday.

Sherry: It all sounds glorious, Robin. I think I am living it a bit vicariously, through your stories. You made such a wonderful life together.

Your poem "Path to the Future" has such a beautiful message of hope. I think it would be a lovely poem to close our chat with, Old Egg. 

Suns opaque shyness
It was one of those grey days
Everything was sad

Even the wind moaned
Melancholy, boisterous no more
Mature in mourning

There's always hope though
Laughing child and nimble lamb
May give us all hope

Mankind offends all
Mountains crumble and seas weep
Yet children still play

Lay me down to rest
Sure that a little one sees
Path to the future

Sherry: Our aging eyes seeing the devastation, set against the little one's eyes, looking forward with hope. This poem is a beauty, Robin.  

Thank you so much, my friend, for sharing more of your very interesting life with us. It gives us a wonderful backdrop for reading your poems, which we hope to enjoy for many more years. We are so happy to have you among us at Poets United. You are a beloved member of the community.

I am certain you enjoyed hearing more about our friend, Old Egg, as much as we did, kids. What a wonderful life, well-lived! Do come back and see who we talk to next. Who knows? It might be you!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Poetry Pantry #304

Photographs of city of Castlemaine -
Victoria, Australia
by Rosemary Nissen-Wade

The historic Market building, now the Visitors' Information Centre

The streets are full of trees

Some lovely old houses are now in use as offices

The old shop buildings, featuring "iron lacework" are still used

There is lovely lead-lighting

Beautiful old doorways and arches

Many historic crafts still thrive in Castlemaine, as people 
decorate well-preserved old homes in keeping with their era

Greetings, Friends.  And happy Memorial Day weekend to those of you who live in the USA. I personally am looking forward to a barbecue with family on Monday.  Memorial Day really is the unofficial beginning of summer here.  Parades, picnics, barbecues abound.

Today we are featuring photographs by Rosemary Nissen-Wade. She says that Castlemaine is full of beautiful old buildings and includes for us this excerpt from Wikipedia: "Castlemaine is a small city in Victoria, Australia, about 120 kilometres northwest by road from Melbourne and about 40 kilometres from the major provincial centre of Bendigo. Castlemaine began as a gold rush boomtown in 1851 and developed into a major regional centre, being officially proclaimed a City on 4 December 1965, although since declining in population. It is home to many cultural institutions including the Theatre Royal, the oldest continuously operating theatre in mainland Australia."  Thank you very much, Rosemary, for your photos which allow us to see Castlemaine through your eyes!

This past week was a wonderful week at Poets United.  if you haven't read Sherry's interview of Jae Rose last Monday, DO take a look back!  And nice to see SO many of you at Susan's prompt 'Picnic' at Midweek Motif last Wednesday. And Rosemary a delightful share for her I Wish I'd Written This feature.  She shared a poem by Angie Walker who may be familiar to some of you, as she blogs at Angieinspired.

Tomorrow be sure to visit Poets United, as Sherry has a chat with a very long time participant in both Midweek Motif and Poetry Pantry.  I always look forward to his poem each Sunday in the this Aussie is always one of the very first to post.  (No more clues, but DO come back!)

Susan's Midweek Motif prompt Wednesday is Parents, Guardians, Important Adults in the Lives of Children......if you want to get a head start writing to the topic.

With no further delay, let's share poetry today.  Link your one poem below.  Share a comment with us.  And visit the poems of other poets who have posted.  Check back throughout today and tomorrow for more poems to visit.

Friday, May 27, 2016

I Wish I'd Written This

Returning From a Flower Viewing
by Angie Walker

If you make tea for people returning from a flower viewing, displaying a painting of flowers or birds, or a flower arrangement in the tearoom is inappropriate. � Sen No Rikyu
But, if someone�s strumming a harp�s G-string in a concentrated, concerted effort in the tea room, as if it were a guitar G trying to make out like a mock machine gun, well even this is a luminous labor of afternoon love-making compared to the halting slap-in-the-face from coming in from the out-of-doors fully drenched in leggy flowers, the jazz of bees, pistils and petals, to face a fragmentary and ridiculously pasty-painted landscape some hack thought encompassed all. It cannot encompass all. I�ve just seen the stamen and pistil, for God�s sake.


This is another of the poems I fell in love with during April Poetry Month. There were many more, of course, and I don't propose to treat you to them all, particularly as you may well have seen them already anyway. But this one is so deliciously quirky and different, whilst at the same time so succinct and sane, I simply couldn't resist it.

Above all I love her delight in the real beauty of nature. What the quotation that served as her prompt conveys obliquely and with restraint, she says uncompromisingly, exuberantly.

Angie, who blogs at angieinspired says of herself:

"I am a writer. I like words. I especially enjoy temperamental verbs and nouns duking it out in alliteration and assonance. Twenty-six characters (the ABC's if you must call them that), rearranged in a gazillion different ways make me happy. But remember, it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing...and a good tap shoe finish!"

And if you haven't caught up with her blog yet, it's full of good stuff!

Material shared in 'I Wish I'd Written This' is presented for study and review. Poems, photos and other writings remain the property of the copyright owners, usually their authors.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Picnic

Breakfast in the Open by Carl Larsson 1919

�I�ll affect you slowly as if you were having a picnic in a dream. 
There will be no ants.  It won�t rain.� 

Richard Brautigan

"Death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic." 

. "Society is the picnic certain individuals leave early, the party they fail to enjoy, the musical comedy they find not worth the price of admission."
? Joyce Carol Oates

Pierrot's Repast: Deburau as Pierrot Gormand by Auguste Bouquet c. 1830.

Midweek Motif ~ Picnic

When I was young, picnics involved food and parks with lakes to swim in and trails to walk in along cliffs with great views.  I loved them.  But lately, I only hear the word "picnic" in metaphor� something is or is not "a picnic"� meaning "easy."  I don't remember picnics being easy to prepare, but I remember feeling holiday in the air. Now, picnics for me are either solitary outdoor eating during walks or mass potluck church outings. What about you? Do you now or have you ever picnicked?

Your Challenge:  
Take us to a picnic in a new poem.

from Rubaiyat: "A Book of Verses underneath the Bough"

Related Poem Content Details

. . . . 
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough, 
A Jug of Wine, A Loaf of Bread�and Thou 
Beside me singing in the Wilderness� 
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow! 
. . . . 
(Only quatrain 11; read the entire poem HERE.)

            by Rita Dove

The Day? Memorial.
After the grill
Dad appears with his masterpiece �
swirled snow, gelled light.
We cheer.  The recipe�s
a secret and he fights
a smile, his cap turned up
so the bib resembles a duck.

That morning we galloped
through the grassed-over mounds
and named each stone
for a lost milk tooth.  Each dollop
of sherbet, later,
is a miracle,
Read the Rest HERE.

I Ask My Mother to Sing

Related Poem Content Details

She begins, and my grandmother joins her. 
Mother and daughter sing like young girls. 
If my father were alive, he would play 
his accordion and sway like a boat.

I�ve never been in Peking, or the Summer Palace, 
nor stood on the great Stone Boat to watch 
the rain begin on Kuen Ming Lake, the picnickers 
running away in the grass.
. . . . 
Read the rest HERE.

* * * * 

Please share your new poem using Mr. Linky below and visit others 
in the spirit of the community.

 (Next week Susan's Midweek Motif will be ~ Parenthood 
(Parents, Guardians, Significant Adults in the Lives of Children)