Saturday, February 27, 2016

Poetry Pantry #291

The Adirondack Mountains (2)
by Steve King

"Like most of the Adirondack�s backcountry rivers, the Oswagatchie is an artery 
of twists and turns, and deceptively strong currents."

"Gentility still has a thumbprint on New York� north country.  This bench at the boat launch would be a nice place to waste some time, but not on this rainy and overcast morning at Nick�s Lake."

"The Moose River, near Old Forge, looks placid and inviting from this put-in, but once you�re on it, you must give the river your full attention."

"I could have sworn there was a tree here�Remnants of a very old evergreen on the Bog River near Low�s Lake."

Greetings, Friends!  This Sunday we are featuring a second set of pictures of the Adirondacks.  Beautiful photos, Steve!  Thank you.  Stay tuned here in the Pantry, as Sherry will be featuring Steve in a few weeks. (And as time goes on you will also see some more photos by him.  Smiles.)

Be sure that you don't miss Rosemary's "I Wish I'd Written This."  She features 'Do Not Shake the Bridge' by Anne Elvey - a Melbourne, Australia, poet.  I love it when Rosemary features people that she is so familiar with like this.

This week Sherry is featuring an interview with a woman who generally shares with us on Sunday - one who is usually one of the later posters rather than one of the earlier ones.  You will have to return tomorrow and be surprised.

For Midweek Motif this week Sumana wants us to begin a poem with the lines "A flower was offered to me...."  She explains it more in her prompt, but if you are writing ahead of time that is an important detail to remember.

So do you have spring fever yet? (Those of you in the Northern Hemisphere!) Admittedly I have a bit of it, making it harder to sit down and write poetry, I think. Sigh. Thus, Susan, I apologize for not being able to write to your excellent prompt at Midweek Motif this past Wednesday. However, admittedly the weather  right now here is changeable.  Some days I feel the spring in the air & some days the chill of winter.

I will be glad to see what each of you shares today!  I will see you on the trail as I visit others...  It is nice to be a part of such a wonderful community of poets.  Have a good day & a good week ahead.

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