Saturday, February 13, 2016

Poetry Pantry #289

Photos of Quebec #2
by Humbird

Hello Friends, and Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Today, for the second week, we have Humbird's photos of Quebec, Canada!  Thanks again, Humbird.

Any DOG LOVERS who haven't yet read Rosemary's Friday Post at I Wish I'd Written This, please scroll back and read. She shared the poem "Red Collar" by Tanya Delys Mandoria, and it is just delightful.  Read it, and you will see.....  (One of my favorites....smiles.)

Monday Sherry Blue Sky is featuring a Blog of the Week by one of our Canadian bloggers.  Hope you will come back for a look!

This next Wednesday Susan is returning to Midweek Motif with her prompt:  Marriage!  Think about it in the mean time.

With no delay, let's share poetry.  Choose one of your poems new or old.  Link it below.  Stop in to the comments and say hello.  Visit others who post.  Simple as that! See you each on the trail as the day goes on.  Have a great mid-February week.

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