Saturday, February 6, 2016

Poetry Pantry #288

Photos of Quebec, Canada
By Humbird

Good Sunday Morning, Friends!  I am amazed this morning when I think that THIS is Poetry Pantry #288.  Figure 52 Sundays a year.  This means there have been 5 1/2 + years of Pantries.  Some of us have been here from the beginning or near beginning of the Pantry.  In 12 weeks we will be at #300. Quite a landmark!

This week's photos are shared by Humbird.  Thank you, Humbird, for the beautiful scenic views of Quebec.  We will have more of her photos of Quebec next week.  After that.....well, if anyone else has scenic photos that they think might work here in the Sunday Pantry, let me know!

Great turnout this past week for Sumana's prompt Identity at Midweek Motif!  The theme seems to have really resonated with people, and in so many different ways.  This coming week the prompt will be "The Inanimate & the Non Human."  Now THAT should really yield some interesting poems, don't you think?  Thanks, Sumana, for carrying on so consistently while Susan is on 'sabbatical.'  Susan, hope you are doing fine!!

Monday Sherry will be interviewing one of our newer Poets United Poets.  Be sure to stop back and see who it is & give her a few words of encouragement.  We all enjoy that, don't we? Plus Sherry puts such a lot of effort into her interviews & finds out such unique things about each poet she features.  Thanks, Sherry, for your dedication.

If you haven't seen Rosemary's feature of Hart Crane's poem "My Grandmother's Love Letters," please do check back and give it a read!  Rosemary really does such a thorough job with her posts that one doesn't want to miss them.  Often I think what a wonderful book her articles would make if they all were collected in one place.  Thanks, Rosemary, for all you do!

With no further delay, let's share poetry.  Link your one poem below.  Say hello in the comments.  And make your rounds visiting others.  One thing I have really appreciated from the participants here at the Pantry is the spirit of reciprocity that exists here.  Thanks to each of you for that!  Have a good week!

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