Saturday, October 31, 2015

Poetry Pantry #276

Well, it is the first day of November here.  Halloween has passed.  Daylight Savings Time has ended.  Sigh.  I am always a bit mournful when we are back on Standard Time again, heading into the long winter. But never mind that, it is the time for pumpkins, apple cider and apple pie,  the first fire in the fireplace, football, and writing poetry!  So good to be here with you today.

First of all, if you haven't read Rosemary's Friday feature Moonlight Musings which she published two days ago, run (don't walk) back to the article and give it a read.  Rosemary has given this article so much thought that I hope it gains a wide audience.  Her subject is "Poetry is Theft."  I do hope this topic whets your appetite and that you will have a look, leave a comment sharing your thoughts on the subject.

Monday Sherry has another Blog of the Week scheduled...a blog of someone who posts regularly here at Poetry Pantry.  You won't want to miss it.

Wednesday Susan's topic is Tranquility.  I think we all need a bit of tranquility as the season changes, as the temperature cools (or warms), as the holidays with their hustle and bustle approach.  Breathe in, breathe out, and get a head start on your poem.

Always looking for photos for Poetry Pantry from participants.  Get in touch with me if you have some to share.

With no further delay, let's share poetry.  Post your link in Mr. Linky.  Make a comment of greeting.  And begin your journey of visiting others & enjoying what all have to share today.  Have a good week, everyone.

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