Saturday, October 17, 2015

Poetry Pantry #274


by Natasa Dolenc

Greetings, Friends! Hope everyone is having a good day.  Here in my area the fall colors are beautiful.  There is a bit of chill in the air.  Football season has many excited.  It is a glorious time of year.

Today we have some more beautiful photos by Natasa Dolenc.  They really make me want to visit Slovenia.   Thanks, Natasa.  

Wasn't that a wonderful chat between Rosemary and Sherry last Monday?  It was not only an interesting post, but the discussion that followed was fantastic.  Do take a look back if you missed it:  A Chat With Rosemary Nissen-Wade on Poetry and Witchcraft.       And this coming Monday Sherry has an update with one of our regular posters in the Sunday Pantry.  Stay tuned.

Sumana had a good topic on Wednesday for Midweek Motif:  Fire.  Scroll back if you want to read some good poems.    Susan's prompt next week for Midweek Motif next Wednesday is Gravity.  Think about all of the different definitions, and begin to reflect!

Be sure to scroll back to the post before this one and read Rosemary Nissen-Wade's  The Living Dead post on Aleister Crowley and his poem "The Four Winds."  Rosemary finds the most interesting poems and poets, doesn't she?

With no further delay, let's share some poetry.  Link your poem below.  Stop in and say hello.  Then spend time visiting others who post, as we all enjoy visits.

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