Saturday, October 10, 2015

Poetry Pantry #273


By Natasa Dolenc

Greetings, Friends!

Today I am happy to share photos from Natasa Dolenc, the poet that Sherry featured this past week!  Isn't Slovenia beautiful?  I will have more of her photos to share NEXT week.  So stay tuned.

Thinking of Sherry's feature, tomorrow (Monday) be SURE to stop over for Sherry's MOST interesting chat!  If she wants to give you any clues (in comments) as the day goes on, I will leave it up to her.  But trust me, it is a very good and unique chat!

Sumana will be prompting at Midweek Motif this week.  If you want to start thinking about a poem, her topic will be 'fire.'

If you did not read Rosemary's most recent "I Wish I'd Written This" yesterday, I hope you will do so.   She featured a poet named Kate Steere who wrote a delightful poem called 'her beaded dress,' and Kate has also  commented on the comments of anyone who made them! Thanks, Rosemary for this fine feature.

With no more delay, let's enjoy some poetry.  Link your one poem in Mr. Linky.  Say hello in the comments below.  And then please visit others in the community as well.  Check back a few times for new visitors.  Have a good Sunday, everyone!!

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