Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Wind Power

hi-res image of When the wind of change blows, some build walls, while others build windm%23ills.
"Three characteristics of wind energy � variability, uncertainty and 
asynchronism � can cause problems for maintaining 
a reliable and secure power system."
� Windtech International, April/May 2014

"[In Adelie Land, Antarctica] a howling river of wind, 50 miles wide, blows off the plateau, month in and month out, at an average velocity of 50 m.p.h. 
As a source of power this compares favorably with 6,000 tons of water falling every second over Niagara Falls. I will not further anticipate some H. G. Wells of the future who will ring the antarctic with power-producing windmills; but the winds of the Antarctic have to be felt to be believed, and nothing is quite impossible to physicists and engineers. "
 'Science: One Against Darwin', Time (23 Sep 1935).

Wind Energy Slogans

Midweek Motif ~ Wind Power

According to Wikipedia, June 15th is Global Wind Day, a worldwide event: 

It is organised by EWEA (European Wind Energy Association) and GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council). It is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to change the world.

But wind energy is not celebrated by everyone.  It's development may be stalled like the electric car, because it would not profit people in power.   But is wind power bad? Solar power takes up as much space, but doesn't include noise pollution.  Take a look at the video below as one point of view. 

(Read more about Wind Power HERE.)

Your Challenge: In a new poem, 

use powerful images 
to portray Wind Power. 

Feel free to use a slogan from HERE. Or to use landscapes and sounds from the video, which is HERE. Be sure to link the original.


The Windmill            

BY LONGFELLOW                  

Behold! a giant am I!
  Aloft here in my tower,
  With my granite jaws I devour
The maize, and the wheat, and the rye,
  And grind them into flour.

I look down over the farms;
  In the fields of grain I see
  The harvest that is to be,
And I fling to the air my arms,
  For I know it is all for me.

I hear the sound of flails
  Far off, from the threshing-floors
  In barns, with their open doors,
And the wind, the wind in my sails,
  Louder and louder roars.

I stand here in my place,
  With my foot on the rock below,
  And whichever way it may blow,
I meet it face to face,
  As a brave man meets his foe.

And while we wrestle and strive,
  My master, the miller, stands
  And feeds me with his hands;
For he knows who makes him thrive,
  Who makes him lord of lands.

On Sundays I take my rest;
  Church-going bells begin
  Their low, melodious din;
I cross my arms on my breast,
  And all is peace within.


Related Poem Content Details

O wind, thou hast thy kingdom in the trees, 
        And all thy royalties 
        Sweep through the land to-day. 
              It is mid June, 
And thou, with all thy instruments in tune,
              Thine orchestra
Of heaving fields and heavy swinging fir, 
              Strikest a lay 
              That doth rehearse 
Her ancient freedom to the universe. 
        All other sound in awe 
              Repeats its law: 
        The bird is mute; the sea 
        Sucks up its waves; from rain 
        The burthened clouds refrain, 
To listen to thee in thy leafery, 
              Thou unconfined, 
Lavish, large, soothing, refluent summer wind. 


�Were I the wind, 
I'd blow no more on such 
a wicked, miserable world.� 


Please share your new poem with Mr. Linky below and visit others in the spirit of the community.

(Next week Susan's Midweek Motif will be ~ Resilience )

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