Saturday, June 11, 2016

Poetry Pantry #306

Photos of Stockholm, Sweden, Area
by Bjorn Rudberg

A Carpet of Wood Anemones

A Path Through a Hazel Grove

The Gate to Summer Opened

Woodland Path

Birch on a Hill

Wow, Sundays come around so quickly, it seems.  Today we have the photos of Bjorn Rudberg to enjoy.  Bjorn took them a few weeks ago when he was out walking in an area north of Stockholm. Thanks, Bjorn.  Beautiful views!

It was another busy week at Poets United.   If you haven't read Sherry's article featuring Grace last Monday, do take a look back.  Sumana's Midweek Motif prompt on Wednesday was 'commitment' and produced a lot of interesting poetry.  Thursday Rosemary shared a timely poem for I Wish I'd Written This --  Gail Hennessey's "Muhammed Ali - i.m."  It is a most enjoyable post, so please scroll back.

Tomorrow Sherry has a wonderful interview with a prolific male Californian.  Come back and find out who!   For Wednesday Susan's prompt is 'wind power, so we hope to see you then.

With no delay, let's share some poetry.  Link your poem below.  Stop in with a comment.  And visit others who share.  Have a good poetic week, all.

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