Saturday, December 19, 2015

Poetry Pantry #283

Macy's Christmas Tree - Chicago - 2015

Lights - Michigan Avenue - Chicago - 2015

A Friend's Christmas Mantle

Friend's Holiday Nutcrackers Stand Ready

A Friend's Christmas Tree

Greetings, Friends!  For many of us this is a busy time of year, but it also is a good time of year to reflect upon the past and be grateful.  The staff of Poets United - Sherry, Susan, Rosemary, Sumana, and I - would like to wish each of you who celebrate a Happy Holiday.  Also, we'd like to thank you for sharing yourselves and your poetry with us so generously week after week.

After today's pantry we will take approximately a two-week break.  I think we all may need time to rest up and recuperate and renew.  (I know I do...smiles.) We will resume our regular schedule again beginning January 3, 2016 with the first Poetry Pantry of the new year.

But now let's share some poetry.  Link your poem below.  Stop in and say hello.  And visit the poems of others who share their work.  Mr. Linky will stay 'live' until 1 p.m. tomorrow Eastern Time.  I will see you with a new Pantry in the new year.

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