Tuesday, December 20, 2011

�Winter Pentimento� from TINTED DISTANCES

With the official arrival of winter overnight tonight, I offer a wintry poem from Tinted Distances (Turning Point Books, 2011), my current collection of poetry:


The black clot of an empty nest rests

. . . . . in one fork of this winter tree, all its

thin branches now white and bending

. . . . . under the weight of a new snowfall.

Spots of cloud cover still fill the ridge

. . . . . line, their lengthening shadows drawn

across a hill�s little drifts or flat patches
. . . . . of brown lawn that had been exposed

by this morning�s wind like vivid traces
. . . . . of an earlier layer of stain. Before long,

the vague sunshine finally fails to filter
. . . . . through even these few remaining knots

of cumulus and gives way to gradually
. . . . . changing shades of gray, as if the faded

landscape has been painted over once
. . . . . more, the stripe of horizon taken away

by feathered edges brushed under soft
. . . . . strokes in pigments granting a darker tint.

I invite readers to discover more about the poetry in Tinted Distances, and I remind everyone that the volume is available for purchase.

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