Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I am delighted to announce release of the Winter 2012 issue of Valparaiso Fiction Review,the national (international) literary journal published by the Department of English and Christopher Center for Library and Information at Valparaiso University. This issue of the journal contains compositions of short fiction by Bryan Shawn Wang, Jessica Roeder, Alan McMonagle, Nathan Gower, Joel Hans, and Tony Van Witsen. At nearly 200 pages, this is the largest issue of VFR thus far, and it is the first to present an international author.

Co-Editor Jon Bull and I are also pleased to announce Doretta Kurzinski has joined the staff as Associate Editor. We invite everyone to examine this third issue of VFR to read the fine stories, and we encourage all to pass along word to others who might be interested:

Valparaiso Fiction Review (VFR) is now accepting submissions of original short fiction by new, emerging, or established writers for the Summer 2013 issue. Authors are encouraged to visit VFR and follow the guidelines for submission.

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