Monday, September 29, 2014

Pascale Petit: Fauverie - Emmanuel

In the last days, after all he said
and didn't say, his iron tongue
resting in the open bell of his mouth,
the belfry of his face asleep,
I climbed the spiral steps of the tower -
up the steep steps of the bell cage, to the bourdon
the great bumblebee, Emmanuel.
I stared at that bronze weight, the voice of Paris,
as if it was my father's voice
and I had climbed up his spine,
all thirteen tons of

Monday, September 22, 2014

'Poroporoaki to the Lord My God: weaving the Via Dolorosa' by Anahera Gildea

Ekphrasis in response to Walk (Series C) by Colin McCahon

I. Bro, I noticed the absence of korowai at your tangi

II. I have made you this kahu-kur?. A taonga

for the Ng? M?kai peoples and their descendants.
I have just now taken it off the line and
folded it with the sun still fresh on its limbs.

III. The unsteady warps and welts of this cloak have

Monday, September 15, 2014